About us

This site has been created for use by members of my lab to share information, ideas, reading, data analysis techniques and the like. The main focus of our research is to understand the development of expert skilled performance. While this website is focused on the sport and exercise domain and the use of motion capture technology, the Digital Technologies and Training website covers our broader research interests in academic skills, digital technologies and social media.

The three areas of research endeavour at the moment are:

  1. the development of expert skilled performance in martial arts
  2. ab initio flying training in fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft
  3. the development of cognitive skills and discipline-based expertise in academia

The lead researchers in the lab are Dr Lisa WiseDr Jason Skues, and Dr Ben Williams, and our key subject matter expert and research associate for Martial Arts is Master Spiridon Cariotis.

We also collaborate with Dr Clare MacMahon and Dr Lucy Parrington. Clare has established her own sport science lab here at Swinburne. Clare’s areas of research expertise include:

  1. talent identification
  2. the development of sport expertise
  3. sport officiating and refereeing

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